Flare Christmas Bulb 2024
A beautiful Christmas ornament with a richly complex geometric design.
Here's a new ornament for the tree that, from the right angle, looks remarkably like an owl… or Deadpool. I'm thinking most people will say Deadpool. That wasn't my intention when I designed it, but now that I've seen it, I can't unsee it.
I've provided my PrusaSlicer project files (3MF) and GCODE for a Prusa MK3s+ printer. With my settings, the final ornament weighs very little! It also looks great in opaque or transparent filaments (see pics above).
This is the first in a set of four closed flare ornaments. I'll be publishing a new ornament every day! (OK, almost every day. Everybody gets a day off once in a while.) Follow me to stay up to date!
The only settings I changed when I printed in transparent filament was changing seems to random (from aligned) and adjusting the flow (Extrusion Multiplier).
If you don't use PrusaSlicer or a slicer that can read PrusaSlicer project files, I've provided detailed print settings on my Thangs Blog.