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Join the Thangs
Our goal is to help designers
do what they love, full-time.
The Thangs Marketplace supports one-time model sales,
and recurring revenue memberships.
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Thangs today!

3D-Native IP protection

Receive notifications if your commercial models are shared for free on other platforms.
3D-Native IP protection

Automate affiliate sales tracking

Pay your supporters and super fans through our affiliate sales program.
Automate affiliate sales tracking

Built-in identity and access automation

All paying members are provided access to the content you choose without any work.
Built-in identity and access automation

Growth analytics

View all of your analytics throughout your “funnels,” run your own A/B tests, and use other data-driven growth methodologies.
Growth analytics

Automated Discord integration

New paying members are automatically added to your private Discord communities.
Automated Discord integration

Recurring revenue upsell

Convert one-time purchases into recurring revenue memberships using automated upsells.
Recurring revenue upsell

Connect with your community

Email current members and configure custom welcome messages for new members.
Connect with your community

Plan types

Choose any type of plan, including download quota-based, limited members, monthly release “packs,” and chapter-based distribution.
Plan types

Discount types

Configure any type of discount, including “before you go” discounts that allow for commerce funnel optimization.
Discount types

Learn from top sellers

Get our free eBook on how to get started building your modern 3D Design and Printing business, created by the Thangs team after spending 300 hours analyzing trends from top designers on multiple marketplaces.
Learn from top sellers
Why ThangsWhy Thangs

Why choose Thangs?

Thangs MembershipsOther Membership PlatformsThangs Model storeOther Marketplaces
Patented, 3D content protection and anti-theft notifications
Affiliate system
Incentivize influencers
Automated membership management
No manual effort required
Growth funnels and sales analytics
Automated upsell functionality
Convert one-time revenue to recurring revenue
Download-based plans
Limited downloads per month
Finite member count plans
Limited members per plan
Calendar-defined plans
Monthly release schedules
Chapter-based plans
Ordered release plans
Custom accrual and archiving
Expiring access for plans
Discord integration
Paying member automation
Discounting rule engine
Create custom discounting