tracking pixel
The Duke Sr

Camera Arm with Leds holder and Improved movements

The Duke Sr
Remix Model
The Duke Sr
The Duke Sr
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Camera Arm with Leds holder and Improved movements 3d model
The Duke Sr
The Duke Sr
Image 2 of 2
Camera Arm with Leds holder and Improved movements 3d model
Camera Arm with Leds holder and Improved movements 3d model
Camera Arm with Leds holder and Improved movements 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes7 DownloadsJanuary 6, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at

Extra Axis movement and Leds holder.

For the rest of connectors visit the original at

The last Arm is remade so it can connect to the extra 90 degrees Joint. New extra 90 degrees rotated Joint to create extra axis movement.

Print: Make the parts that hold the bolts strong!!! Do not just use infill, but create more external perimeter layers that will make it strong!

Build: Use this XL ARM to connect to the included 90 degrees Joint. Use this included Joint to connect XL Arm to Led-Cam holder. Same M5 bolts/nuts can be used as original design. I left a opening in the middle for the wiring for the leds to the back of the frame.

Leds: 2812B RGB 5V. Connected to Wemos D1 / Wled > 24-5V regulator > Ender Powersupply. Challenge was to connect the corners. I used 3 tiny wires and soldered. But there are 90 Led hook connectors available on Alie if you don't want to solder. My leds did not have the glue on the back (used leds), so i used hot glue (ugly i know ;)).. D1 board has limited power, so do not attach to many leds directly to the D1 board.

Tip... In Octoprint, Install Wled addon.

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1 Likes7 DownloadsJanuary 6, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes7 DownloadsJanuary 6, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.