PLEIADES Cone // 67 mm x 250 mm
The PLEIADES Cone is multipurpose decor for the modern home. This variation is 250 mm tall with a 67mm diameter base. The top opening is 3.8 mm in diameter with a 31 mm depth. Use it to display a beautiful off-cutting, incense, or whatever else suits the dramatic minimal form.
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My PLEIADES series of prints are designed to be printed in vase/spiral mode in your slicer. I suggest printing this model with a 0.4 mm nozzle width and 3-5 bottom layers. No top layers. Make sure your slicer is not set to close small gaps. In BambuStudio I set the 'Slice gap closing radius' to 0 mm
Photographed models were printed on the Bambu Lab X1-Carbon 3D Printer using Bambu Lab PETG-CF filament.* *These affiliate links give me a commission on sales at no additional cost to you. Thanks for supporting Make Anything!