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Little Shop of Sigil
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Dan P
Paul P
Filamental P

Designer posts

Last update for May Release

Last update for May Release

Hello Everyone, Just a quick update on the May release for the Zombies. I will be doing two male zombies and 1 female zombie. They are coming along and I like the direction they are going in. If I have any extra time I will increase the number of zombies for the release but for the moment it will s

Thangs Memberships are turning 1 year old!

Thangs Memberships are turning 1 year old!

Thangs Memberships are turning 1 year old! To celebrate the occasion, we're rolling out a special promotion. Use code: THANGS1YEAR - Good for 50% off 2 months of a Thangs Membership priced at $50 or less.

Sneak Peek Armored Skeleton

Sneak Peek Armored Skeleton

Hello Everyone, Here is a sneak peek at the Armored Skeletons for next month's release. In total for all of the Skeletons, it will come out to 10 different skeletons. 1X Skeleton Armored Heavy Fighter 1x Skeleton Armored Spearmen 1x Skeleton Armored Archer 4x Skeleton Armored fighters

WIP Armored Skeletons

WIP Armored Skeletons

Just a quick update on what I am working on. The Armored Skeletons are close to being done and ready for posing just need to do some weathering on the armor. Then onto the Non-Armored and the Arcane versions and then I will start on the Zombies.

WIP Skeleton

WIP Skeleton

Hello everyone, A quick update on the May release Skeletons and Zombies. These are just a couple of the skeletons. I've decided to increase how many skeletons I will be making as they are far simpler than I originally anticipated. I will be providing an Armed set, a non-armed set, and an arcane set

April Release!!! White and Brass Dragons

April Release!!! White and Brass Dragons

Hello everyone, I'm excited to announce that April's release is finally here, featuring all 10 types of dragons from both the Chromatic and Metallic families. I'm very proud of the dragons I have created for all of you, except for the red dragons, which I plan to revisit at a later time. From the

WIP White Dragon Head

WIP White Dragon Head

Hello everyone, just wanted to post an update on the White Dragon head. I'm satisfied with the direction in which I have the White Dragon going in. I'm just going to do some refining of the features that are already in place and should be done and placed on the poses. Frank - Little Shop of Sigil

WIP Brass Dragon Head

WIP Brass Dragon Head

Hello everyone, just been working on the Brass Dragon head and getting it just right as this is a very unique head crest over any of the other dragons and I knew it would take me the longest to get correct. Reminds me a lot of a Triceratops head crest as it is not a horn or spike, its more of a bon

Dan P
Paul P
Filamental P
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