Young Black Dragon
Discover an impeccably crafted 3D model of a Young Black Dragon, a distinguished figure within the realm of fantasy miniatures, brilliantly delivered at With exceptional attention to detail, this black dragon model is a superb representation of skull dragons, known for their vile temperament and cruelty.
The sleek design of this black dragon 3D model highlights its abnormally slender physique distinctive amongst other chromatic dragons. Admire the dragon's unique wire-like structure and the intricate horns that artistically jut from its head, curving and projecting forward — a prominent feature of this remarkable model.
Take note of the magnificent neck frill and immerse yourself in the olfactory aspect of the black dragon, notorious for its scent of rotting vegetation and foul water. This stunning creature measures a jaw-dropping 16 feet tall, 85 feet in length, and boasts a majestic wingspan of 80 feet. A colossal creature, this black dragon weighs up to 159,000 pounds.
Bearing true to the solitary and extremely territorial nature of a black dragon, this 3D model embraces the essence of these unique creatures, known to form clans only under extreme circumstances. Discover the marvel of a meticulously sculpted black dragon, enhancing your collection of fantasy miniatures with this standout piece from