Divided Gridfinity Boxes (CadQuery Customizable)
This is a from-the-ground-up reimplementation of Zack Freedman's divided Gridfinity boxes using CadQuery instead of Fusion 360. See this video for further information about the project:
This version is customizable in CadQuery so you can generate custom sized divided boxes, including ridiculously large ones like 10x10 boxes etc. I have included a random selection of grid sizes from 1x1x2-high up. These should be fully compatible with the official boxes/grids. You can also fully customize the X Y and Z unit sizes AND the number of dividers on X and Y separately!
I re-implemented this because it seems like a perfect fit for an open source CAD software like CadQuery. With that in mind I have also released the source code python script that was used to generate the STLs. I would love for others to help me create new organizer bins and/or re-implement organizer bins in open source CAD software like CadQuery or OpenSCAD.
I used CadQuery/CQ-Editor to design this with a recent version checked out from github on April 13th, 2022. Unfortunately CadHub.xyz does not have a recent enough version of CadQuery to render this properly (n.b. the issue is with lack of a combine argument in the older version of the eachpoint method).
CQ-Editor is available from here, but please check out a 0.30dev version or newer to be able to compile the included CadQuery source code: https://github.com/CadQuery/CQ-editor
f you are interested also check out all of my gridfinity models for baseplates and boxes here: https://www.printables.com/social/107343-jdegs/collections/154274
And my related model for undivided gridfinity boxes here: https://www.printables.com/model/174715-basic-undivided-gridfinity-boxes-cadquery-customiz
Source Code is available here since Thangs doesn't allow CadQuery python files: https://www.printables.com/model/179040-divided-gridfinity-boxes-cadquery-customizable
220427: Revision #1
- Fixed issue where the bottom thickness of the box was only 1.0mm above the top of the magnet/bolt holes, but was intended to be 2.0mm. Re-rendered all models and released revised python source code.