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Devin B

RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion

Make Anything
Remix Model
Make Anything
Make Anything
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RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
Make Anything
Make Anything
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RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
RODE smartLav+ to Handheld Mic Conversion 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

This is a quick little print I put together when I needed an interview mic for a live event. Rather than buy a new mic, I just printed out this handle so I could use my RODE smartLav+ mic as a handheld. It's pretty small, but looks professional enough if you're in a pinch, and works surprisingly well! I've used this mic along with an older model Zoom H1n field recorder for my video voiceovers for many years now (TRRS to TRS adaptor required)

Version 2 is slightly beefier for extra strength. I would suggest this one for most cases.

Print with a decent brim to ensure bed adhesion. A 0.5mm or so z-hop also helps prevent stringing or knocking over pillars.

23 Likes30 DownloadsAugust 22, 2023

23 Likes30 DownloadsAugust 22, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.