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Devin M

OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver

Make Anything
Remix Model
Make Anything
Make Anything
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OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
OP-1 BestCase // Simple Decksaver 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
14 Likes32 DownloadsAugust 24, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Protect your OP-1 in the coolest way possible with a 3D printed case! Better yet, the OP-1 BestCase is both a deck protector and a stand that tilts the OP-1 up to take advantage of the same ergonomic benefits that computer keyboards have been rocking since the 80's.

The model includes round tabs at each corner to improve build plate adhesion. They can be ripped off afterward, or cleanly removed with a X-acto knife.

This case uses a friction fit designed for PLA, so materials that shrink more like ABS may be too tight.

As you're likely aware, PLA is not sun-friendly, so avoid exposing a PLA case to warm environments to prevent warping. If you want extra security, I recommend silicone bands like these (also on eBay) or these.

These models are designed for printing with a 0.4mm nozzle width, at 0.1-0.2mm layer height. Print at 100% infill.

Rotate 45 degrees on the Z axis to fit on a 300x300mm bed.

For a fancier version of this case check out my Red Eye Series of art cases.

14 Likes32 DownloadsAugust 24, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
14 Likes32 DownloadsAugust 24, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.