Spool-Core for my Spool-Rewinder utilizing a Bambulab AMS-Lite Spool-Holder
bytechnik.geggAs the name implies, this model is an addition to my Spool-Rewinder which allows one to use a genuine Bambulab AMS-Lite Spool-Holder. These are being sold as spare parts for a fair price. In order to attach it to my Spool-Rewinder, I needed to model a completely new core and collet. The only things left from the original, are the outer shell and the claws. Also, I modified my (existing) Motor-Mount; Made the slant steeper (5 deg. now) and with supports that will prevent the contraption from sagging, due to the weight of a full spool.
Since the original is pretty modular, it's easy to disassemble: To do so do this:
- remove all of the claws (watch Bambulab video on YouTube on that topic)
- unscrew the collet
- remove the original core
In order to be able to screw the Spool-Holder onto the motor shaft, you also need to drill a 6 mm hole in the outer shell, about 28mm from the collet.
Please notice: I modeled the shell and claws to check the fitting of my parts and except from the measurements I was interested in, I don't claim them to be accurate.