ClickFinity Refined - Integrating Gridfinity Refined with Clickfinity.
bysmittyrnRecently found NoWarrenty's Clickfinity, and while I love the idea, I wanted something a little more solid for the drawers in my tool cabinet. I've been using grizzie17's Gridfinity Refined plates and love the way they can be attached together, so I decided to see if I could combine the two. And after a lot of trial, error, and head scratching, I think I made it work.
I also reworked the wedge connectors to better fit these plates.
Per the original model details; “Print with PETG, ABS, ASA, or Nylon. Do not use PLA or PLA+ as these materials creep under constant load, causing the grid to lose its grip over time.”
I give you Clickfinity Refined. Huge thanks to NoWarrenty, grizzie17, and of course Zack Freedman for the original Gridfinity. This is a result of all of their collective hard work.
This is still a work in progress, so comments, suggestions, and remixes are very much welcomed.
EDIT 8/3/23: Added a Kobalt Mini Toolbox plate insert. Added Baseplate Trays for looks and portability. Also added trim sections to dress up the sides without having to print out an entire tray.