Collapsing Lightsaber
This Lightsaber has a removable collapsing blade that can be printed separately in a different color. The hilt is designed with a screw on cap which allows the blade to be inserted after its printed. The hilt is 209mm long with the cap installed but it expands to over 950mm in total length with the collapsing blade installed!
Its designed to be printed with a ,4mm nozzle, with a line thickness of .43, so the blade will be two shells thick. The test print can be found here.
Detailed printing instructions can be found on my website
Links to the filament I used(aff): Transparent Green Silver
Video Intro Troubleshooting
Collapsing Lightsabers ROTJ Dual Extrusion Vader’s Single Extrusion Vader’s Dual Extrusion Leia’s Dual and Single
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