These shoes are designed for comfort and style. Print a pair in about a day for less than $20! Overture High Speed TPU:
Scaling: Model is a US mens size: 10 Size 6: scale .875 Size 7: scale .904 Size 8: scale .937 Size 9: scale .967 Size 10: scale 1.0 Size 11: scale 1.030 Size 12: scale 1.063 Size 13: scale 1.092 Size 14: scale 1.125
Settings: Switched from .4mm nozzle to .6mm nozzle for faster printing (recommended but not necessary) Toe pointed straight down, then tilted 30% (see attached image) Layer height: .4 Initial layer height: .4 Top layers: 2 Bottom layers: 2 Infill: 12% Grid Print speed: 30mm/s Infill speed: 30mm/s Wall speed: 30mm/s Support: Everywhere Support overhang angle: 35 degrees Build plate adhesion: Brim