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I make silly videos about serious projects! Find me on YouTube, and download all my stuff here to build yourself.


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Zack F
Zack F

Gridfinity Kit for Dungeon Master's Tome

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Gridfinity Kit for Dungeon Master's Tome 3d model
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Gridfinity Kit for Dungeon Master's Tome 3d model
Gridfinity Kit for Dungeon Master's Tome 3d model
Gridfinity Kit for Dungeon Master's Tome 3d model

Gridfinity Kit for Dungeon Master's Tome

Turn Bearded Printer's epic RPG organizer into a Gridfinity grimoire!

This is a mod kit for the following (paid) model:

You don't need to alter the Tome at all - just print and assemble it as normal. If you want to use the dice tower tray, print the modified dice tower too.

Of course, you DO NOT need Bearded Printer's divider inserts, because you'll use Gridfinity instead. The baseplate doesn't need glue and can be removed easily.

This kit includes: Baseplate: Drop into the empty Tome to add Gridfinity slots. No adhesive required.

Gap Filler Bins: Pads the partial slots around the hinges. Use TPU or another tough filament - I made the walls extra-thin so they'd fit "spindown" D20s. Note that these are NOT half-width bins - the gap is wider than 21mm.

Dice Tower Frame/Tray: Lets you stack the Tome's included foldable dice tower on top of Gridfinity bins. If you use six-unit-tall (full-height) bins, this will perfectly fill the gap between bins and book cover. The frame conserves filament, while the tray seals the bins to keep stuff from shifting.

Dice Tower Parts 1 and 2: A modified dice tower with the corner filleted. Allows the lid to close when the Tower Tray/Frame is placed on a tall bin. Not very useful without the tome, so don't get any ideas!

Fusion source for bins: I can't share the source for the plate and tray, because they depend on proprietary geometry from Bearded Printer's paid model.

25 Likes59 DownloadsOctober 29, 2024