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Devin M

Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer

Make Anything
Remix Model
Make Anything
Make Anything
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Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
Peg Anything // SD + USB Organizer 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
19 Likes31 DownloadsSeptember 18, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

I designed this organizer to keep my many SD, Micro SD, and USB thumbdrives close by and easy to access on my Flexispot Pegboard.

The Flexispot Pegboard is made of thin sheet metal, but I've also included a version for 0.25" thick pegboards. Designed for a 1" grid. This should fit a standard pegboard with 1/4" spaced 1" apart.

The hooks print separately for a press fit. You can also glue/3D pen weld them in place if you'd like, but they should be held in place once mounted onto the pegboard.

Holds 6 micro SD cards, 6 SD cards, and 10 USB thumbdrives

19 Likes31 DownloadsSeptember 18, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
19 Likes31 DownloadsSeptember 18, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.