Khalm Down H
Khalm Down H

Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder

Khalm Down Hobbies
Khalm Down Hobbies
Khalm Down Hobbies
Khalm Down Hobbies
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Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder  3d model
Khalm Down Hobbies
Khalm Down Hobbies
Image 1 of 3
Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder  3d model
Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder  3d model
Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder  3d model
Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder  3d model

Brillar LED Remote Control Wall holder

This is for the Brillar series of LED strips commonly sold in Australian retailers. I have found that the remotes that came for these never had a wall mount or any way to mount them very effectively. A few iterations and a little design time later and I have this design that works well. Printing wise: I used a brim on my older printer but on my new direct drives found that I didn't need one. No infill is needed and I personally printed the final versions at 0.2 as they were getting puttied and sprayed.

*** Revisions V1.0 – Original concept design, no real success in this other than establishing absolute failure. V1.1 – Increased opening distance and added some branding. No easy way to attach to wall other than double sided tape. Didn’t print well 40% of the time in testing. V1.2 – Useable results achieved after adding a backing, changing from sketch extrude to a extrude shell idea. This worked for the project and the images are based on this. Some failures and minor print issues. V1.3 – Updated Clearances and added mouse ears to make easier to print well at high speed. Increased the opening width slightly to allow for minor over extrusion.

0 Likes1 DownloadsFebruary 4, 2023