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OctaTwist Fidget Toy

Remix Model
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OctaTwist Fidget Toy 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - Thanks - 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - Great thanks  - 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - Amolen triple color. .2 layers with .6 nozzle. Will need to work it in a bit.  - 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - 👏 - 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - Overture PLA+ in white and red - 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - OctaTwist Figdet Spinner by DaveMakesStuff - 3d model
OctaTwist Fidget Toy - OctaTwist Fidget Toy by DaveMakesStuff - 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
342 Likes1.7K DownloadsJanuary 7, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

A fun little fidget toy! Try doing a filament swap halfway through the print to emphasis the positions and patterns of the pieces.

See here for video:

This is a print-in-place design. Once the print has fully cooled, release each joint with a gentle twist. Repeated twists will smooth the inner surface and allow for smoother motion.

A “round” and “octagonal” version is included. Both have the same inner mechanism, but the octagonal is easier to print because of the flat bottom surface. To print the round version, I recommend raising it of the print surface about 3mm and building tree support underneath to support the contoured bottom surface.

342 Likes1.7K DownloadsJanuary 7, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
342 Likes1.7K DownloadsJanuary 7, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.