Picroft Mini Enclosure
I have been wanting to play with Picroft, but wasn't ready to drop $60+ on the Respeaker v2 until I knew if Mycroft would suit my needs. This is a small printed enclosure that holds a Raspberry Pi 3B, speaker, and a 2 mic array. The mic I used is a bit sensitive to background noise, so I may look into putting a piece of foam into the mic holes on the lid to help with hotword detection.
Printed with Polymaker transparent PETG so the LEDs can shine through.
Use support blockers on the insides of the speaker standoffs or you're going to have a bad time.
Parts used (no referral links): Speaker: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09SW6QHW9 Mic Array: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H3T8SQY GPIO Extension: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D991KMR Raspberry Pi 3B (the plus model would work as well) I used these screws, but the M2's seem to strip out if you even look at them wrong so YMMV: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FCDL2SY
Screws: 4x M2 6mm - Mic Array 4x M2 4mm - Raspberry Pi 4x M4 10mm - Speaker
Helpful sites: Picroft - https://mycroft-ai.gitbook.io/docs/using-mycroft-ai/get-mycroft/picroft Mic array setup guide - https://wiki.keyestudio.com/Ks0314_keyestudio_ReSpeaker_2-Mic_Pi_HAT_V1.0 Setup guide for the 2 mic array with Picroft - https://bitjockey.dev/setting-up-an-open-source-ai-assistant/ LED setup - https://github.com/oksbwn/Picroft-Respeaker-2-HAT-LED-Effects