Build your own modern standing lamp.
Fits a Bambulab X1 or P1 series
V2 has improved cable management. Retainer is changed and needs the cable tie files in addition to work. If you want to route a channel in one of the legs then use the "top v2" part and also print channel cover. "clip" is for keeping the cable in the channel, this must be adjusted to the measurements of your routed channel. Shade and Cap haven't changed. Files for routing the channel are here:
Print settings: _Shade: _ prints in vase mode (0.8mm nozzle recommended; 0.4 possible) layer height 0.56mm (0.8mm nozzle) or 0.28mm (0.4mm nozzle) in both cases print it upside down and set bottom layers to 2 (0.8) or 4 (0.4) set line width to 0.7/0.8mm
Top: prints upside down 0.2mm layer height 3 walls minimum Cap: 0.2mm layer height 2 walls 1 bottom layer 0 top layer 30% gyroid add height range modifier: 0% infill after 1mm
Filament: For the shade use some whiteish filament. I used Spectrum PLA Ivory Beige.
Additional hardware: 3x wood rods diameter=28mm L=1370mm 6x wood screw 3,5mm 1x zip tie 1x E14 or E27 light cord