Kenix Kil Helmet Star Wars Legend
EDIT: the absolute madlad Antoine from printables stepped in and saved this model. He just improved everything, made a much better version and didnt even wanted credit for it. His version is obviously superior in any category. please give this man as much love as you can. i cannot express my thankfulness to this man in words.
OLD DESCRIPTION: i made this model for a friend of mine, because this character isnt well known and i couldnt find a model for it.
the helmet looks diffrent in a lot of pictures, thats why its never 100% accurate
i made it with tinkercad and it shows. i will probably try to switch programs soon, but for now this is the best i could do. if this is not up to your standards: dont print it! i will print it, because im aware, that it will be a lot of sanding and maybe cutting afterwards
i printed it at 345% size