square cheap mouse
7 downloads · 2 years ago · Mouse shell to accomodate for the motherboard of an ultra cheap bluetooth mouse I got from Aliexpres
Mouse shell to accomodate for the motherboard of an ultra cheap bluetooth mouse I got from Aliexpress that came broken. Still kind of a work in progress, as it can be perfected (I might refine it) but it works fine. Bottom made out of PETG, top is basic white PLA. The pairing/DPI button is under the shell, I did not go into the trouble of making a dedicated button as it's a function I use once a year and it looks better as is. The battery has no cover for now, I might design and upload a cover later; this is by no means a problem, as the battery is firmly pinched with the force of a thousand gods.
15 Likes7 DownloadsJanuary 13, 2023