Gift Envelope, for letters or money, CUSTOM TEXT!
109 downloads · 15 days ago · Hi everyone!! We are excited to introduce our "Money Envelope," an elegant and 3D-printed way to giv
Hi everyone!! We are excited to introduce our "Money Envelope," an elegant and 3D-printed way to give a gift or a message! ✉️
- The model fits with 4x2mm round magnets (perfect for sticking it on the fridge).
- Additionally, you can pick between a smooth or "rough" (textured) finish.
- The printing profile also includes alphabet letters (a-z) to customize the front seal, as well as heart and star symbols.
- You can personalize it further by writing a custom message, such as "For You," or adding the recipient's name.
42 Likes109 DownloadsDecember 20, 2024
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