Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Bottle organizer
New model for bed 220x220 , six models. with pins diameter6 and dioameter1.5 New model for only 7-8 drinks , 250 mm long
Always have cold drinks, thanks to this dispenser, fill the dispenser with 10 units. (33 cl Diam 61 x 228 long) The drink below is always the coldest, designed for the refrigerator.
Printing with 3 contours and 4 upper layers and 4 lower layers, 10% infill is sufficient
Model 3 pieces for bed 300 x 300 mm rotation 45 degrees. (2 complete models and one central)
The bolts are also printed for their union.
The design is prepared for a bottle with a diameter of 61 mm x 230 mm in height, it corresponds to a 33 cl glass bottle. If you have other dimensions it is very easy to adapt it by scale. For example, bottle with a diameter of 54/61 = 0.885 long X-axis scale (Y optional) Length of 197/228 measurements = 0.864 Z scale. So that you can make the design for any bottle, a photo is added with the formula to calculate the scale in your laminator. .