This is a configurable base for the Tentacle System. Used in combination with the Tentacle Connector Kit, you can build a durable base to hold up to eight tentacles.
There are two regular ball bases and six stumps that each end in a pin compatible with the Connector Kit.
The shape helps keep the center of gravity in a position to stabilize a longer tentacle. If necessary it is easy to add weight to the opposite side, for example with a series of washers or nuts slid over an extension, or attached to a magnetic grip.
You can arrange a collection of grips and rotate the entire base to bring the most useful ones into your workspace. You can pick up the entire collection by the head with a single hand to move or store it.
Googly eyes are optional, but recommended; however, they should be different sizes.
This was printed using the Spool Rotator with Plasport emerald/purple/yellow coextruded Silk PLA filament.
You can learn all about the Tentacle System here: