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Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands 3d model
Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands

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Goetia M
Goetia M

Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands

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Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands 3d model
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Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands 3d model
Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands 3d model
Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands 3d model

Asaria, the Teeth of the Badlands

Medium Size - 25mm Base Includes Original STL, Supported STL, and Lychee Slicer Files.

You see a humanoid figure that reminds you of a reptile, like the fire-spitting lizards in the plains of Mazati. This feminine figure, though, despite having a tail and clawed paws is definitely not scaled. She looks like she has grown a natural armor of gums and teeth over her whole body, that make her both slippery and full of sharp, hard edges. That same material gives form as well to her shield and lance, and she covers her face in the traditional ceremonial mask of a Malzatian priestess, although it looks like eyes open in her body here and there, protruding briefly from the gum-like tissue as needed and then being buried again in the meat, like alligators emerging to peek the surface of a swamp.

0 Likes0 DownloadsSeptember 4, 2024
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