Mushroom garden decoration “Boletus Edulis”
A cute little decoration for your planter or garden sculpted after the mushroom “boletus edulis”. Plug the pin into the mushroom and you are ready to go!
Scaling / size
- Regular size assembled (100%): 20 x 20 x 40 mm
- Upscaling: you can scale this design up as big as you want in. The pin is designed to work with a slanted friction fit that continues working when scaled. I printed it in 100, 140, 150, 160 and 200%
- Downscaling: this is already at the size edge of fdm printing – you can try it out though.
Print settings Material usage: just a few grams depending on your print size. Perfect for filament left overs.
Material: PLA Print direction: stls are rotated correctly, check images Support: none Nozzle size: 0,4 mm Line width: 0,4 mm Layer height 0,1 – 0.2 mm Outer walls: 3 Infill: 15% Build plate adhesion type: none