A beautiful organic bowl for all sorts of things.
Versions included
- Bowl_big: The bowl (size: 210 x 196 x 58 mm)
- Bowl_big_flat: The bowl with a flat bottom (size: 210 x 196 x 58 mm)
- Bowl_small: The bowl with less details (size: 126 x 117 x 35mm; 60% of big)
- Bowl_small_flat: The bowl with a flat bottom and less details (size: 126 x 117 x 35mm; 60% of big)
You can scale it up as big as you want. Scaling it below the size of the small version is not tested but probably works.
Print settings Material usage big: 160g Print time big: 15h
Material usage small: 50g Print time small: 5h
Material: PLA Print direction: stls are rotated correctly, check images Support: none Nozzle size: 0,4 mm Line width: 0,4 mm Layer height 0,2 mm Outer walls: 3 Infill: 15% Build plate adhesion type: none
65 Likes87 DownloadsJune 19, 2023