Salmon P

The PiClock

Remix Model
Image 1 of 14
The PiClock 3d model
Image 1 of 14
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model
The PiClock 3d model

This is a pi clock it job is to display stuff. It uses a raspberry pi zero or zero w (wifi edition) Screws are not needed you can just lightly glue the components in place but you can use them if you want to For the display it uses a mini 16 x 2 lcd display which has an iic module mounted to the back of it

As it is a raspberry pi zero you can actually display anything you want on it but I have chosen to display the time as I do not have a dedicated clock at my desk (my pc does not count). On my raspberry pi zero w I installed Raspbian lite 32 bit edition without desktop environment. Then I used Putty to communicate with it over the network to install git python and more using 'sudo apt'. Then I made it run a python code for the clock and looped it forever. As it is connected to the internet I could run a command to disable it and display something else weather?. I have used command 'nohup' so it runs even as I closed the putty ssh window

NOTE: There are probably better ways to make a DIY clock at a cheaper cost or more efficient but I had a raspberry pi zero w lying around doing nothing. yes I know I could have used it for pi hole but no cos I don't actually have an cheap arudino yet.

0 Likes2 DownloadsDecember 26, 2021

0 Likes2 DownloadsDecember 26, 2021