Raspberry Pi Camera Mount to 1515 and 2020 Extrusion.
Both 1515 and 2020 versions use the same camera holder, however the 1515 version uses 2 mirrored side holders compared to a single holder body.
Camera Mount: x2 M3 Heatset inserts x2 M3x6 BHSC
2 Preload Nuts & Screws x2 M3x8 BHSC x2 M3 Nut
Attaching Camera x4 M2x6.5 Self Tapping Screw
This model is derived from the PanzerObserver2.4 https://github.com/Slidr666/VoronUsers/tree/18599db8c29c9a272f852d1dac9ad5d014d0a496/printer_mods/Slidr/PanzerObserver2.4
Onshape Links: 2020 Extrusion: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/e5fda536f02fdd4e68e578f8/w/f4ecead3410952e5a1a6642c/e/41bc20f79df24ed93664d350 1515 Extrusion: https://cad.onshape.com/documents/297c2396f70592f537f846f3/w/1ca1ed6a205c6c9cd3034012/e/212e9bb7d4e0cee9a912bc13