Zee Fan Duct for Ender 3 v2
Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4749870.
I recently bought an Ender 3 v2 printer as a second printer and did not plan to do any medications. Unfortunately, the cooling performance when printing PLA was less than optimal. This might be something specific to my printer. I decided to design a mount with two 5015 blower fans.
The focus of the design was to ensure as much cooling as possible while keeping the weight down (considering 2 x 5015 fans were used).
Parts 4 x M3x15 Self tap 4 x M3x20 Self tap 2 x M4x20 Bolts and Nuts (Optional) 1 x Small Cable Tie
To use a 40x40x10 fan print the Cone_40x10.stl file. To use a 40x40x20 fan print the Prod_Cone_40x20.stl file. The Cone_40x40x20.stl design has not been tested, bit should work.
Due to the size used by the dual fans the probe of the BLTouch is located at X:-47, Y:-11 from the nozzle.
Thanks to @Gil80 for the assistance with testing the design!