Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Rendered Tada3 's honeycomb lampshade to a customizable OpensCAD file
Feel free to customize the lampshade with your preferred dimensions You can also download the .scad file to edit it using OpensCAD or the .xml file and upload to to BlocksCAD > or edit directly here >
base = true; <- change to false if you don't want to use it as a hanging lamp base_hole = 20; <- change hole radius with your hanging light socket base_thick = 3; <- thickness of the lamp base cylinder_radius = 75; <- outer radius of the shade (minimum = 60) cylinder_height = 100; <- approximate height of the shade based on the number of "cells" wall_thickness = 10; <- thickness of the cylinder wall cell_thickness = 1; <-thickness of each hexagonal cell (two cells side by side doubles this) segments = 30; <- how many cells around the circumference of the cylinder