Black J

Yellow Bulldozer with Movements

Remix Model
Image 6 of 8
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Image 6 of 8
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
Yellow Bulldozer with Movements 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at

There are three ways to print this.

  1. As single piece:- Please download STL file but there wont be any movements.
  2. As nine pieces :- THE PREFERRED WAY. Please download 3mf file having “combined.3mf” in the name. You can use the same 3mf file as manual for assembling. You may need screws and or glue to complete assembly.There are pin to be printed for movements which can be sustituted with nuts or bots. Lock pins have also be not provided. I have been using a small piece of filament itself as lock pins. Also you may have to scale up the model to get the full play but make sure you dont lose the wall thickness and tolerance.
  3. Full Dismantled :- Download 3mf file with Full_dismantled.3mf. Inteference issues are expected as this is the pre processed file. Advise only expert makers to use this. Print at your own risk.

Both the Back Wheels have been made hollow to ensure efficient printing. Makers have the option to either go for hollow wheels for all the sides or go with the solid ones(both front wheels) or a combination of both.

Supports should be provided as required. Appreciate the makes uploads.Open for suggestions.

Update: The dimensional issue in the axles have been corrected. Thanks for pointing it out.

11 Likes21 DownloadsAugust 18, 2023

11 Likes21 DownloadsAugust 18, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.