Trickshot Tile
35 downloads · 2 years ago · Better grab your Mtn. Dew and MLG Shades because this tile will require your best trickshots to win
Better grab your Mtn. Dew and MLG Shades because this tile will require your best trickshots to win a game of Hextraction! Although the paths are the same as an asterisk tile with a wide center, when played, it will unlock two new win conditions for those willing to risk it all!
All models are scaled up 10x. The red and white circles can be made with a white-red color change at 5.6mm and a red-white color change at 14.2mm.
Glue a 10mm magnet to the center to make it easier to tell when a ball lands correctly.
Thanks and have fun,
- Andrew
13 Likes35 DownloadsJune 15, 2023