Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Simple adapter to mount an E3D-V6 and a Nimble on top of an MGN-12 slider, for instance on a CoreXY printer. The adapter is kept as simple as possible as users might want to add mounting points for part cooling fans or anything else they would like for that matter.
The main adapter mounts on the slider, the hot end is clamped using the clamp. The clamp has a slot inside for a tie-wrap to tidy up the wires coming from the hot end. The Nimble sits on top of the V6 using the standard Groove mount adapter that is always included with every Nimble.
The clamp file is upside down, so that the rounded edges are on top after printing. It is better not to have rounded edges on the bottom surface when printing.
The Nimble ExtruderWith an installed weight of less than 27 grams on your carriage/effector the Zesty Nimble is smallest and lightest extruder you can buy, it has ample torque and can be mounted in multiple orientations.
The Nimble is available from Zesty Technology.