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Random X-Y moves for a 300x300mm bed (FT5)

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Random X-Y moves for a 300x300mm bed (FT5) 3d model
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0 Likes1 DownloadsOctober 16, 2021
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Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at

Here are some files with random X-,Y- and XY-moves with different speeds. Rename them to the extension .gcode before sending them to the printer/copying them on the sD-card They don't print anything. They don't heat anything. Max speed is 2400mm/min. Use the speed factor on the Marlin screen to increase or decrease speed. The tests were intended to do empty moves in the X-Y plane to check/stress the moving parts on a printer (FT5) with a 300x300 bed. All moves fall within 10 - 250 coordinates in X and in Y. Sequence : 1- homing 2- move to X140 Y140 Z50 at low speed 3- run random sequence 4- homing

Random looks like this (only X) The files with LONG in the name, well you may have guessed it, they take a long,long time to finish. Didn't test how long. Not patient enough.

For those who want to generate these files themselves within their own X-,Y-,Z- and speed limits: download this excelsheet

0 Likes1 DownloadsOctober 16, 2021

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
0 Likes1 DownloadsOctober 16, 2021
This model is restricted by licensing terms.