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Terra de Verdant

The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor

Terra de Verdant
Remix Model
Terra de Verdant
Terra de Verdant
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The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
The Akir Display Stand for Planters and Decor | Modern and Unique Home Decor 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
7 Likes75 DownloadsDecember 25, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

FLIP THE MODEL UPSIDE DOWN 8-15% infill based on preference. 6 top layers, 9 if 8% infill. 2-3 outer walls. No supports. Raft or brim if you have adhesion issues.

Scale Settings: STAND 3" SURFACE: SCALE 29.31% 3.5" OPENING: SCALE 34.20% 4" OPENING: SCALE 39.08% 4.5" OPENING: SCALE 43.97% 5" OPENING: SCALE 48.85% 6" OPENING: SCALE 58.62% 7" OPENING: SCALE 68.39% 8" OPENING: SCALE 78.16%

7 Likes75 DownloadsDecember 25, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
7 Likes75 DownloadsDecember 25, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.