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Consider following me on Instagram (@SMACKMAX_). I try to post all of my prints, renders, and animations to build a portfolio of my projects, often in advance of publishing the models. This way, you can get a sneak peek of what's coming next!
27-06-2024 Update and Upgrade Additions: 4x Front plate styles (Ripple, Clean, Grill and U) 1x Alternative lever design 1x Cold Storage Changes due to feedback: Lever thickness has been slightly adjusted - Small text update And big thanks for the overwhelming success of Wallie!
17-06-2024 Slight text update Gimmicks: Holds 4 x C-card style cards, Optional 'bonus kaart' card slot, Adjustable tension lever
Some notes for printing:
- i could not get the object support-less without sacrificing some function, some parts really need a setback surface area to make sure the cards don't snag on the inner working of the slide or the lever;
- Model only supports 4 credit card style cards, i might add a more card version if there is demand;
- Uses generic M3 countersink bolts with a total system length of 10 mm (just some i had around the house) and one M4 15-20 mm
- Consider leaving a review i often revisit my designs!
1.5K Likes4K DownloadsJune 14, 2024
1.5K Likes4K DownloadsJune 14, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.
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