Nipkow Disk
So the other day, I saw a video of Camdem Bowen making a 3D printed mechanical TV. And I thought that I should make one as well because I like mechanical things and because I think I can make it better than he did.
Anyways, the first step to a mechanical TV would be the thing that generates the image. The Nipkow Disk.
In the heart of every Mechanical TV from the early 1900's until the 1940's, 50's, or 60's, is a special disk.
This disk has holes which are evenly spaced in a spiral. As the disk spins, it captures one part of an image and projects it to your eye. If it spins fast enough, you get yourself what looks like an image.
It's like reading a book. You don't see the full page until you read the entire text. You are scanning the pages one word by one word until you get the full image. Or like shining a flashlight or laser pointer in the dark and then moving it back and forth. Then you move it downwards and it will generate a much greater area of light. This is because you are basically shining your flashlight in specific areas to make it bigger.
That made no sense but still. I made this just to aide myself in the 3D Printed Mechanical TV.