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XL Basket 3d model
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XL Basket 3d model
XL Basket 3d model
XL Basket 3d model

XL Basket

Discover a 3D model of a large basket on, created by designer Skipper07. Perfect for creating additional storage or disposing of clutter near your workplace, especially for those involved in printing. This high-quality 3D model featured in our Home/Other category is visually realistic in design, providing a detailed and clear image of the actual product. Detailed visuals of the 3D model are available, which show the intricate detailing that's gone into this 3D Large Basket model. The original creator of this model has personally found it useful as an extra convenience near his printers, but it's quite possible you might need to print more than one as it's proven to be quite popular with kids. This versality makes this 3D model a must-have on Browse our website for more details and get ready to improve your workspace with this exceptional 3D model.

29 Likes38 DownloadsFebruary 11, 2024