Pool Noodle Shield
After crafting pool noodle swords, axes, and throwing stars, we've concluded that it's time to introduce some defensive pool noodle gear. Therefore, I unveil the pool noodle shield. It consists of seven components: four L-shaped pieces, two T-shaped connectors, and one handle, making it one of the most robust shields available in the noodle market. While there's room for creativity with these components, the following are the lengths of pool noodles I utilized for the initial shield design: 2x 25" long 2x 12.5" long 4x 3.5" long
If you like this model, make sure to check out our other pool noodles weapons! (we have axes, throwing stars, and more!) 🔗:RWB Designs Pool Noodle Weapons
This model is for personal use only. If you want to sell physical prints of our designs, or you want to support us, please SUBSCRIBE TO OUR THANGS MEMBERSHIP PLAN : https://than.gs/u/161490?plans=true
Print Settings: No Supports for L's or T's as long as you print them with their flat sides on the bed The handle will require support, but only on the underside of the circular grip .1 - .2mm layerheight