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Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints

Pretzel Prints
Remix Model
Pretzel Prints
Pretzel Prints
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Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Pretzel Prints
Pretzel Prints
Image 1 of 6
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
Skull Ash Tray By Pretzel Prints 3d model
94 Likes210 DownloadsJuly 12, 2023

This is an older model of mine, but still fun! Do you find yourself feeling empty and sad when you rest your cigarette in a boring, regular, old ashtray? Well look no further, my skull loving friend! I have the solution for you! Finally, you can fill a skull with ash and pretend it is the head of your annoying neighbor, or negative boss! Don't forget to name your new ashtray! (I don't smoke, but I named mine Emil. This is also the reason that I made a 3d printed cigarette for the photos. It is a simple little design, but if you want it, I will upload it for free just in case.)

In all seriousness, I designed this in a few different versions (bowl, planter, ashtray and a whole head statue.) So, check out my page to see the others if you are interested!

When you download this, you also get a version without the eyeball, so you have some options!

This model can be printed without supports! Hooray!

Skull bowl (two versions):

PLEASE READ: This upload (like all Pretzel Prints uploads and designs) is under copyright, and upon purchase, you do not have the right to sell prints commercially. The digital files are NEVER to be re-sold, shared, or given away!

If you are interested in selling this model commercially check out my Patreon!

Thank you for your support and honesty!

3D PRINTING SETTINGS The one pictured was printed using Fila Cube Ivory Pla .15mm layer height 5% infill NO SUPPORTS

94 Likes210 DownloadsJuly 12, 2023

94 Likes210 DownloadsJuly 12, 2023