18 Likes30 DownloadsApril 9, 2022
IKEA KUGGIS Drawer system DESCRIPTION These holderes are designed for a three drawer system with the IKEA KUGGIS Inserts. https://www.ikea.com/es/en/p/kuggis-insert-with-8-compartments-white-00280208/ https://www.ikea.com/de/de/p/kuggis-einsatz-8-faecher-weiss-00280208/ It's meant for being mounted inside a cabinet or something similar. The prototypes in the attached pictures were printed on a Voron 2.4 300 mm in black PETG. I strongly recommend you to reinforce the holders with one screw each (M3 SHCS at least 15 mm long) or they will break of very easily. The Fusion360 model (f3d file) is also attached.
18 Likes30 DownloadsApril 9, 2022
18 Likes30 DownloadsApril 9, 2022