Star Wars Rebel Alliance Earrings
Star Wars Rebel Alliance Earrings
May the 4th be with you! Origionally designed for celebrating Star Wars day earlier this month here are our Star Wars Rebel Alliance earrings.
**Material: ** Bambu PLA Basic Bronze.
**Print recommendations: ** See print details below for settings. Recommend a textured plate for a nice back.
**Supports: ** No supports
Print details:
Bambu Lab X1 Carbon 0.2 nozzle 0.06mm High Quality layer height 4 walls 15% infill
**Height range modifiers: ** Height range modifiers are added to change the top surface pattern on certain layers. to create different effects.
0.00 - 2.5mm - Archimedean Chords top surface pattern All other ranges - default top surface pattern.
**Post printing: ** Add earring backs, key chain or necklace chain and wear!
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