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Horn & Rhode L
HueForge(Steve)“HueForge Professiona...” plan

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Horn & Rhode L
Horn & Rhode L


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Kaoz Studios

Designer posts

v0.7.2 Now Released!

v0.7.2 Now Released!

While maybe not the sexiest update, v0.7.2 brings a host of bugfixes which I have detailed in full here. The highlights include fixing the edges of meshes to properly show their layer lines, immediately applying Max Width/Max Height setting adjustments without requiring a restart, fixing SVG aspect

HueForge v0.7.1 Full Release is Here!

HueForge v0.7.1 Full Release is Here!

Fortunately this Beta period was relatively uneventful and now the full release is here. The primary focus on this was a few bug fixes and a fair number of TD-1 enhancements. Including the newly released TD-1 Firmware in the TD-1/update folder and the ability to "flip" the display to run the fila

HueForge and Thangs Partner for HueForge Professional Monthly!

HueForge and Thangs Partner for HueForge Professional Monthly!

My philosophy for HueForge has always been to build the tool that I would want and price it the way I would want it to be priced. But even with aggressive pricing, especially the Personal Use and Limited Commercial levels, it is hard for many people to afford. That is before considering Professio