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Jack o'Lantern Snowman 3d model
Jack o'Lantern Snowman

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Sangkwon G

Jack o'Lantern Snowman

Remix Model
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Jack o'Lantern Snowman 3d model
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Jack o'Lantern Snowman 3d model
Jack o'Lantern Snowman 3d model
Jack o'Lantern Snowman 3d model
Jack o'Lantern Snowman 3d model

When it comes to Halloween items, the Jack O lantern is one of the most well-known. This Jack O lantern can be mixed and changed in so many ways that the variety is endless. Among them, I discovered that there were many items that changed snowmen into pumpkins, and I wanted to redesign them in my own style. So I used the Jack o lantern pumpkin on the snowman I designed previously. Except for the face at the top, the direction of the faces of the remaining pumpkins was changed to add to the feeling of fear due to the discomfort that comes from irregularity.

The method of making it is the same as the existing three-tier snowman and is very simple. Please refer to the video.

We hope you have a happy Halloween as this Jack-O-Lantern_Snowman gets you in the Halloween spirit.

Happy halloween!

Largest part in printing, size = X 118mm, Y 110mm, Z 57mm, After full assembly size= X 130mm, Y 64mm, Z 143mm

Total Build Time : 16h 30m / Plastic Weight : 74g Design by GOODesign

0 Likes0 DownloadsOctober 30, 2024

0 Likes0 DownloadsOctober 30, 2024