Gingerbread Cookie Ornament Set
Gingerbread Cookie Set
Hot out of the oven... errr printer. Is our Gingerbread Cookie Ornament Set! This set includes 22 models! 10 gingerbread cookie gnome ornaments 10 gingerbread cookie gnome ornaments with bites take out 2 versions of a customizable text gingerbread gnome cookie ornament, 1 without a bite and 1 with.
Download them and bake some up today!!!
Model Files Available 4 color and 1 color .3mf files for all whole gingerbread cookies and for cookies with bites taken out. 4 color and single color .3mf files of customizable gingerbread gnome cookie with and without bite
Filament Used in Photos Bambu Brown PLA -Cookies Bambu Green PLA -Decorations Bambu Red PLA -Decorations Bambu Jade White PLA -Icing