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Easter Eggshell 9

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Easter Eggshell 9 3d model
Easter Eggshell 9 3d model
Easter Eggshell 9 3d model
Easter Eggshell 9 3d model
Easter Eggshell 9 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
110 Likes802 DownloadsMarch 13, 2022
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Stash your treats in these decorative Easter Eggshells! Contents are secured inside with a threaded insert on the bottom. See here for video: This design is part of a set of ten decorative Easter Eggshells entered into the Spring 2022 Thangs #MakerMadness design competition. The latticing and surfaces were designed using nTopology. Here’s a bit more information on each model: Eggshell 1: Surface derived from the gyroid TPMS Eggshell 2: Lattice derived from the Kelvin graph Eggshell 3: Rotated Square Honeycomb Eggshell 4: Surface derived from the SplitP TPMS Eggshell 5: Surface derived from the gyroid TPMS (different orientation then Eggshell 1) Eggshell 6: Lattice derived from a cluster of columns Eggshell 7: Surface derived from the Schwarz diamond TPMS Eggshell 8: Surface derived from the Fischer-Koch S TPMS Eggshell 9: Hexagonal Honeycomb Eggshell 10: Surface derived from the Schoen F-RD TPMS

110 Likes802 DownloadsMarch 13, 2022

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
110 Likes802 DownloadsMarch 13, 2022
This model is restricted by licensing terms.