
600-Cell Central Rings.stl

Remix Model
600-Cell Central Rings.stl 3d model
600-Cell Central Rings.stl 3d model
600-Cell Central Rings.stl 3d model
600-Cell Central Rings.stl 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

This is a three-dimensional shadow of selected cells of the four-dimensional shape called the “600-cell.”

See here for video: https://youtu.be/IhW48X29e0g

The 600-cell is one of six regular convex four-dimensional shapes. It is composed of 600 tetrahedral cells.

The full 600-cell is so ridiculously complex that it nearly impossible to see or understand in its entirety, so it is helpful to view it in parts.

If you look closely at this selection of cells, you can see how it is composed of nine interlocking rings connected by “struts.” In the full 600-cell, these small “struts” are in fact part of complete rings. This gives some idea of how large and complex the full shape would be.

This model is designed for resin printing.

24 Likes59 DownloadsJune 25, 2022

24 Likes59 DownloadsJune 25, 2022
This model is restricted by licensing terms.