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DM Stash
DM Stash

DM Stash

Hey there!

We're an Aussie-based company ran by two brothers with a passion for creating detailed truescale models that painters and players alike can enjoy! All our models are presupported and come in 32mm and 75mm scale, plus we release an 80+ page D&D 5E campaign every month to accompany our mini releases. We hope you like our work!


Select a membership plan

Model is included in this plan

/ month

You're an official supporter. Awesome! Gain access to our current monthly STL pack release + Welcome Stash. As long as you're subscribed you'll continue to receive the future monthly releases and gain access to all our sneak peaks and behind the scenes info through our Discord. This pack does not include any of the Campaigns or Maps (Apart from that included in the Welcome Stash). All files from the current monthly release, plus our Welcome Stash are yours to keep!

15-20 high quality miniature .STL files

32mm and 75mm scale variants

Behind the scenes info

Welcome Stash Comprised of our highest quality minis from prior months plus a medium length D&D 5th Edition Campaign Module.

You'll also gain a 50% discount through the store for any older releases you would like to go back and purchase.

Plus all the benefits of getting to watch each month's progression behind the scenes through our community discord and discuss with our creators and community!

Model is included in this plan

/ month

You're an official supporter. Awesome! Gain access to our current monthly RPG Pack release + Welcome Stash. As long as you're subscribed you'll continue to receive the future monthly releases and gain access to all our sneak peaks and behind the scenes info through our Discord.

All files from the current monthly release are yours to keep, plus maybe a bonus every now and then! Each month you'll receive

  • 15-20 high quality miniature .STL files
  • 32mm and 75mm scale variants
  • 1 Full Length 5E Module (8-16 sessions of playtime)
  • 1 uncompressed map of a whole region in which the respective campaign is set (A2 size)
  • Stat blocks for each respective mini to be played in the campaign
  • Welcome Stash Comprised of our highest quality minis from prior months plus a medium length D&D 5th Edition Campaign Module.

You'll also gain a 50% discount through the store for any older releases you would like to go back and purchase.

Plus all the benefits of getting to watch each month's progression behind the scenes through our community discord and discuss with our creators and community!


Elemental Golems - The Three Faces

DM Stash
Remix Model
DM Stash
DM Stash
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Elemental Golems - The Three Faces 3d model
DM Stash
DM Stash
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Elemental Golems - The Three Faces 3d model
Elemental Golems - The Three Faces 3d model
Elemental Golems - The Three Faces 3d model
0 Likes6 DownloadsAugust 12, 2024

[Medium Sized Model - 25mm Base]

(Three Variants)

[Presupported with LYS files in 32mm Scale]

Golems representing three of Maethromin’s Faces. Fire, Water and Earth. Conjured by the Strike Forces of Abunen Kolden, they act as the grunts of the strike force in their invasion of Greater Abune. Having landed in the Air Elemi land of Abunos, they have ensured no Air Elementals were conjured that could be used by the defenders.

Conjurations of creatures of Maethromin’s faces are easily made by even apprentice level elementalists.These form the building blocks and foundations of most armies wielded by both Abunen Kolden and the Elemi of Greater Abune: though they are fodder intended to simply soak up ammunition and spells from their enemies, making them highly replaceable. In the heat of battle hundreds are conjured, sent listlessly to the front lines where they are mowed down, before a new wave is raised and sent again. Often times specialised strike squads focus solely on tracking down and eliminating the conjurers of these creatures.

In Abunos the Koldeni strike squad has employed somewhat different methods, empowering their conjurations in a way that made them self-reliant, and able to reanimate after destruction unless their elemental core was destroyed. Thus after they were created no conjurers or elementalists were needed to further support the creatures, that were very capable of wreaking havoc on their own. The only caveat was the admission of Air Elementals, for the land they would invade was the Air nation of Greater Abune, and they would very likely wield the invader’s weapons against them.

0 Likes6 DownloadsAugust 12, 2024

0 Likes6 DownloadsAugust 12, 2024