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DM Stash
DM Stash

DM Stash

Hey there!

We're an Aussie-based company ran by two brothers with a passion for creating detailed truescale models that painters and players alike can enjoy! All our models are presupported and come in 32mm and 75mm scale, plus we release an 80+ page D&D 5E campaign every month to accompany our mini releases. We hope you like our work!


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Model is included in this plan

/ month

You're an official supporter. Awesome! Gain access to our current monthly STL pack release + Welcome Stash. As long as you're subscribed you'll continue to receive the future monthly releases and gain access to all our sneak peaks and behind the scenes info through our Discord. This pack does not include any of the Campaigns or Maps (Apart from that included in the Welcome Stash). All files from the current monthly release, plus our Welcome Stash are yours to keep!

15-20 high quality miniature .STL files

32mm and 75mm scale variants

Behind the scenes info

Welcome Stash Comprised of our highest quality minis from prior months plus a medium length D&D 5th Edition Campaign Module.

You'll also gain a 50% discount through the store for any older releases you would like to go back and purchase.

Plus all the benefits of getting to watch each month's progression behind the scenes through our community discord and discuss with our creators and community!

Model is included in this plan

/ month

You're an official supporter. Awesome! Gain access to our current monthly RPG Pack release + Welcome Stash. As long as you're subscribed you'll continue to receive the future monthly releases and gain access to all our sneak peaks and behind the scenes info through our Discord.

All files from the current monthly release are yours to keep, plus maybe a bonus every now and then! Each month you'll receive

  • 15-20 high quality miniature .STL files
  • 32mm and 75mm scale variants
  • 1 Full Length 5E Module (8-16 sessions of playtime)
  • 1 uncompressed map of a whole region in which the respective campaign is set (A2 size)
  • Stat blocks for each respective mini to be played in the campaign
  • Welcome Stash Comprised of our highest quality minis from prior months plus a medium length D&D 5th Edition Campaign Module.

You'll also gain a 50% discount through the store for any older releases you would like to go back and purchase.

Plus all the benefits of getting to watch each month's progression behind the scenes through our community discord and discuss with our creators and community!


Air Genasi Soulknife Psionic Rogue - Karena

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Remix Model
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Air Genasi Soulknife Psionic Rogue - Karena 3d model
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Air Genasi Soulknife Psionic Rogue - Karena 3d model
Air Genasi Soulknife Psionic Rogue - Karena 3d model
Air Genasi Soulknife Psionic Rogue - Karena 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes0 DownloadsJuly 23, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

[Medium Sized Model - 25mm Base]

[Presupported with LYS files in 32mm & 75mm Scale]

Karena was born amidst the roaring windy canyons of Szelvihar in the Air Elemi nation of Abunos. It is this city that acts as a central trade hub for the Air Elemi of Greater Abune, connecting their nation to the Tri-State’s capital of Beke. Here her father, a travelling Baldurian merchant, had fallen in love with her mother, a silkweaver well-known for her opulent dresses and robes coveted by nobles from across Tharador. Thus Karena was raised in a home of splendorous wealth, forming a strong bond with her mother.

When Karena came of age, she found herself tired of the monotonous life of lavish luxury she was raised in. Her mother coddled her, and her father was often absent, having continued his life as a merchant, returning only a handful of times per year. Thus in the dark of night she slipped out, travelling to Beke where she soon after joined a caravan bound for Baldur’s capital of Grimgate. Here she found herself out of her depth very quickly - though she learned Common from her father, the vernacular of the everyday Baldurian proved very different: filled with unfamiliar slang, abbreviations and words beyond her knowledge. She thus found it difficult for gainful employment, additionally owed to her alien appearance as an Elemi, forced to work menial jobs that could barely pay for her board in a dingy inn each night.

Thus it naturally came that those she worked with would notice her unique abilities as an Air Elemi, and point her to a place where she could make much more lucrative coin, though in a way that only those with steel nerves could muster. Thus she came into the employ of a local thieves’ lodge, tasked with heists and burglaries against the upper elite of Grimgate in their tall manors beneath the walls of Platinum Keep. It was here that Karena discovered another innate talent in herself, some sort of extra sense where she could see through the vision of others nearby, even if they were on the other side of a wall, allowing her to easily sneak by the manors unnoticed. When Karena robbed a manor owned by Orthis, the Psionic Master quickly detected her use of powers on him. He was swift to apprehend her, finding an Elemi with a power innate to humans exceedingly curious.

He offered her two choice: submit and spend the next several years of her life in a prison cell, or become his apprentice in the Psithars and learn to further hone her psionic abilities. She chose the latter, and has thus served beneath Orthis for the last four years, showing an impressive and promising knack for her psionic abilities as a natural prodigy. Now she faces her most difficult task yet, as the world-ending Dragonblight brings the Kingdom of Draksborne to its knees. She has travelled ahead of her master to the Psithars headquarters in the catacombs of Sundestra, trying to assess the situation for her master before he arrives in the city with help from other members of their order.

1 Likes0 DownloadsJuly 23, 2024

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes0 DownloadsJuly 23, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.